Lakeview Newspaper
Lakeview Newspaper


"We don't make the news.We just report it."

George Rimel

Publisher and Owner


George Rimel has spent 50 years in the newspaper business with Knight -Ridder newspapers in various management positions at The Miami Herald. The North Dade Journal, The Bradenton Herald, Knight Ridder  Corporate management team and was Generald Manager of The Community Reporter in Dade County. He  was an Associate Publisher with Lerner Newspapers, Pulitzer Publishing and Lerner Communications as Vice President. He created and started Lakeview Newspaper 25 years ago.

His dedication and outstanding record of customer service and problem resolution will be a huge asset to your needs. He has 50 years experience in management.

He has won Addy Awards and is a graduate of the American Press Institute. He also has had membership in the Miami Press Club, Toast Masters, SERTOMA, Chicago Press Club, was on the Board of Directors of the American Heart Association, Lakeview Chamber of Commerce ( President for 4 years, Board of Directors for 17 years) member for 37 years and member of NorthCenter Chamber of Commerce.

He started Trick or Treat  on Lincoln Avenue and Kid Safe Businesses.

He is also an Eagle Scout , God and Country recipiant and decorated US Army Veteran during the Vietnam era. 


(312) 493-0955

 Joyce A. Rimel

Executive Editor and Owner



With over 25 years experience as the Executive Editor and Owner  of Lakeview Newspaper, she is dedicated to publishing the best newspaper in the communities of Lakeview, Northcenter, Lincoln Square and Roscoe Village. She has held positions with Sealy Corporate, The John Hancock Condominium Association (Officer), Lord and Taylor and the planning company of the Sears Tower and JMB Corporate staff.

Her expertise and professionalism and knowledge is impressive.



(312) 493-0955

Lakeview Newspaper

J2 Associates, Inc.

P.O.Box 578757

Chicago, Illinois 60657


Or you can reach us at

312 493-0955


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See links to our advertisers web site at the bottom of this column.


Welcome to Lakeview Newspaper 



   on line.

OUR 29th year publishing this great neighborhood newspaper.


Lakeview newspaper has  served the Lakeview, Roscoe Village, NorthCenter and Lincoln Square communities for over 29 years.

We are  proud of our involvement and committment to the community.


We were honored with an Award of Excellence  for our commitment to community journalism and involvement in the neighborhoods we serve  by Maria Pappas, Cook County Treasurer.


Our Publisher, George Rimel started "Rock Around the Block", Mayfest", "Breakfast with Santa" and "Hometown Heroes at Mayfest to honor our U.S. Marines returning from Iraq, Excellent Local Teachers and Students, our Chicago Police and Chicago Fire fighters for the brave work that they do serving and protecting our communities.


Mayor Daley proclaimed "Lakeview Newspaper Day" to celebrate our 100th edition in 2004 with a Resolution from the City of Chicago proclaiming our success and achievement.


Ambassador of Japan ,Chief of staff for President Barrack Obama and ex-Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Mayor Richard Daley, CEO of Central Savings and Board Member of the Chicago Crime Commission Robert Palmer, local Alderman, State Representatives, Business Leaders, Educators, Celebrities, Clergy, Doctors and local personalities have been interviewed in our famous 20 Questions interview on the front page.(This is temporarily canceled due to the corona virus pandemic).

 Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel said "It was the best interview I've ever given to a newspaper!"


We have won numerous awards from the community for our achievments. We are members of The Lakeview/Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce and the North Center Chamber of Commerce.

Our newspaper Publisher, George Rimel was President of the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce for 4 years and also on the  Board of Directors for 8 years and member for over 42 years. In 2005 he was presented with the prestigious 

"Community Service Award" from the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce.

Our Newspaper Publisher , George Rimel was also honored by the NorthCenter Chamber of Commerce for his military service in Intelligence

to our country on November 11th, 2015 at a Veterans Day celebration for his work in Joint Intelligence for the Commander in Chief of the Pacific, Four Star  Admiral Ulyses S.Grant Sharp and Four Star Admiral John McCain (Senator John McCain's father) when he was in the United State Army Intelligence. He briefed  both President Johnson and President Nixon while serving at this command. He was awarded the Joint Commendation Service medal for his contribution to the Pacific Command upon his departure from the Joint Chiefs of staff, as well as the National Defense Medal and the United State Army Good Conduct medal.

He earned the rank of Eagle Scout by the age of 12 years old and also the God and Country Award presented by the Boy Scouts of America.

He also is a former Board of Director member of the Chicago Heart Association.



We print and distribute 3,100 and have a readership of over 12,000 Our web site has over 573,474  hits.



Alderman Scott Waguespack 

Army Navy Sales:

Lakeview Chamber and Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce: 

Lakeview Newspaper:

Lakeview SSA 

Paulina Market:

St.Luke Church:

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