About Us
We are a free monthly newspaper distributed in Chicago from Diversey to Lawrence and Sheffield to Western Avenue.
We are distributed to local retail and service locations,financial institutions, area Chamber's of Commerce, Aldermanic offices, State Representatives and Senators offices within the community and through our subscriptions.
Safe Kids Are Our Priority
We are creators of "Kid Safe Businesses". We also publish a yearly list of registered sex offenders and where they live in the community so parents, grandparents and school administrators can inform parents and residents.We also are the co-sponsor and creator of Safe Trick or Treat for the Paulina Station Merchants Association. we also have co-sponsored in the past the Summer Music in the NorthCenter community.
Cook County Treasurer on our 17th Anniversary:
We were honored for our 17th Anniversary by Cook County Treasurer,Maria Pappas, who stated " Your community is better for the service you provide it. Bringing a publication such as yours is done only by overcoming great challenges-and by possessing a great commitment to the mission. Because of your commitment, your community maintains its heritage and, therefore, its identity. The value of your service simply cannot be estimated except to describe it as immense and vital."
Owner and Publisher : George Rimel
Owner and Executive Editor: Joyce A. Rimel
Lakeview newspaper informs, educates and entertains our readers.Local news stories that are factual and let's our readers know what is going on and why.
Neighborhood news, a monthly interview, editorials and opinions are what our readers look forward to.
We also have local crime, Hollywood gossip, health care columns, news for seniors and veterans, movie, book, CD, DVD and video reviews.Comics, puzzles, horoscope and Suduko also entertain our readers.
We have up to the minute financial advice and personal advice columns.